Sunday, June 15, 2008


Create a Blog Like a Pro by Amy Brevard

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Starting blog entries is easy as slicing butter on a hot, Nashville afternoon. If you’ve got something to say, or you have an area of expertise, or you want to blog for your company, or just for fun, here's how to do it like a pro:

Whether you are a web savvy individual who types at 300 words per minute, or a fresh web baby who still can't program his 1980s VCR, to Create a blog you begin by choosing a blog builder. If you are serious about making your mark online, you will want a professional looking blog. Ignore “free” blog builder offers. Here's why: Most free blog builders are not updated regularly, have more viruses, less flexibility, and less or no staff support. If you plan to continue your blog in the long-term, you may regret choosing a free blog host, down the line, for several reasons: Months into blogging, after your readership has blossomed, you may encounter growth problems, finding that your space is limited or what you want to achieve is unattainable. Switching to a different blog builder at that point could result in losing readers and thus, business. By investing (usually a minimal fee) in a high quality blog builder at the start of your blog, you get the latest technological updates and technical support throughout your blogging life.

However, if your intention is to write an amateur blog for you and your friends only, you may not care about a professional appearance. If so, a free blog such as the one provided on Myspace will suffice.

Once you find the blog builder that suits your vision, make it graphically attractive. TypePad is a blog builder that helps you explore design templates. Other blog websites (many free ones) require html knowledge, which may take hours to grasp if you are not already familiar with it.

Do not underestimate the importance of graphic design! Graphics are the first thing that readers notice when they view a web page. You want their impression to be good enough that they come back for more. After all, repeat visitors is your goal. They won't come back if the design hurts their eyes, induces unpleasant sensations, or is just plain boring. Rise to the top of blogs and make sure you entertain your visitors with both your words and graphics. Consider that you will impress your readers more if your design is professional and modern.

Be careful with the graphics you choose. Do they accurately reflect the personality you wish to convey? Every website and blog has a personality, made up of a combination of text and graphics. Make sure you are sending a consistent message, one personality, in everything you present. In addition to graphics and pictures, watch out for the font. Is both the size and style easy to read? Consider that some readers have weak eyesight. Is there enough space between the text and the graphics? Go with your intuition here, and compare your website to websites you admire.

After the design is set, the fun begins! Starting blogging. Remember that once you put your words out there, anyone can see them, for years to come. Keep this in mind. Investigate your blog optimization options. Just a few steps can take your blog from reaching a handful to a stadium-full. Finally, be persistent. If at first the readers don't come: try, try again.


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